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World-class rheumatology treatment, prioritizing your health

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints characterized by pain, swelling, and limitation of movement. Arthritis is a common symptom found in a group called autoimmune diseases, the most prevalent being rheumatoid arthritis.

Who is a rheumatologist?

Autoimmune diseases are diagnosed and treated by physicians who specialize in rheumatology. An orthopedic specialist, on the other hand, is a doctor specialized in the field of surgery dealing with bones, joints, and ligaments.

What are autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases include connective tissue diseases like:

  • - Rheumatoid arthritis
  • - Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • - Anti-phospholipid syndrome
  • - Scleroderma
  • - Sjogren's syndrome
  • - Idiopathic inflammatory myositis
  • - Vasculitis

Autoimmune diseases also include rare diseases like sarcoidosis, IgG4-related diseases, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, gout, and osteoarthritis. They are, in general, chronic diseases that require lifetime follow-up and monitoring with your rheumatologist.

When to visit a rheumatologist?

If you are experiencing persistent pain in your joints that is unresponsive to conventional pain-relief medications, you should see a rheumatology specialist. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • - Chronic skin lesions
  • - Prolonged fever
  • - Muscle weakness
  • - Constant fatigue
  • - Dry eyes and mouth
  • - Excessive hair loss
  • - Recurrent red eye and blood clots

Spotting and diagnosing a rheumatic disease are quintessential for smooth recovery. Failure to recognize it in its preliminary stages can lead to irreversible tissue damage. To be on the safe side, you should book an appointment with a rheumatologist in Dubai if you suspect any of these symptoms.

People with genetic risk along with unidentified environmental triggers are prone to developing autoimmune diseases. This includes people with a family history of autoimmune disease.

People of any age group as less as one year old up to 90 years of age, of any gender can get an autoimmune disease, though these diseases have their own age/gender predilection.

How is my disease diagnosed?

A rheumatology specialist will take a clinical approach to your diagnosis. The symptoms, the pattern of presentation, and associated findings pave the way for diagnosis. The doctor may request specific immunologic tests like rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP, ANA of the disease under suspicion, relevant imaging investigations like X-rays, musculoskeletal ultrasound, CT, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans, and bone densitometry scans to get a complete diagnosis.

What would I receive as treatment?

Treatment of these conditions takes the medicinal route, with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic agents, newer treatment modalities like biologics, joint aspirations, joint and soft tissue injections, including regenerative medicine platelet-rich plasma. Physical therapies are often utilized to enhance your healing process, as with gout treatment, for instance.

In terms of the UAE's primary healthcare hubs, there is a wide host of rheumatologists in Dubai who can provide world-class treatment for complex rheumatic disorders. Via the myAster app, you can easily streamline the process of selecting the ideal specialist within a few seamless steps. The intuitive interface of the portal enables users to fine-tune their searches using curated filters such as language spoken by the doctor, areas of specialization, and much more.

The myAster application brings all the best rheumatology experts under one interface for complete convenience in terms of access to medical diagnosis and treatment. Through unique filters and features, scheduling your next rheumatologist appointment is simpler than ever. Choose myAster to schedule hassle-free appointments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can my rheumatology expert perform surgery for me?

No, rheumatologists are physicians with expertise in the medical management of connective tissue diseases.

Is rheumatoid arthritis curable?

There is no permanent cure, but the disease can be effectively controlled with the right rheumatology treatment.

Are gout and arthritis interlinked?

Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by sudden pain onset in the lower limbs caused by high serum uric acid levels. Gout treatment is a stepwise process that requires careful monitoring at every stage by your specialist.

What age group is susceptible to rheumatoid arthritis?

It can affect any person above the age of 17 years, though people between 30 -60 years are the most susceptible.

How do I prepare for a rheumatologist's consultation?

It is ideal to collect all the past medical history, family history, treatment history, and the list of medicines that you are allergic to.