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Paediatric Neurology


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The world’s latest in Pediatric Neurology Treatment at Aster

Newborn children are constantly learning from the world around them, picking up cognitive skills with every interaction. This learning process runs parallel to the development of their nervous system with age, which proceeds at a rapid pace well into their adolescent years. Pediatric neurology is the field that focuses on the monitoring of this crucial development, along with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and disorders that affect young children’s nervous system.

A child neurologist specializes in assessing the health parameters that factor into your child’s neural development. Specific focus is placed on the core parts of the nervous system, such as the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) as well as the peripheral nervous system.

During their formative years, your child could be susceptible to neurodevelopmental disorders that typically have their onset in childhood. A pediatric neurologist can provide accurate diagnosis and suggest appropriate treatment to mitigate the effects of these disorders as early as possible.

Pediatric neurology specialists usually offer consultation and treatment in collaboration with general practitioners and family doctors, as part of a neurology department. You may be advised to consult with a pediatric neurologist if your family doctor suspects a potential neurology disorder in your child. A common example of such a condition is pediatric epilepsy, which requires medical insight from a pediatric neurology expert.

Treatment for neurology disorders in children needs to account for the delicate balance of their physiology. A child neurologist will supervise your child’s vitals at every stage of treatment to ensure their complete wellbeing, keeping you informed about any developments and treatment progress.

The range of treatments offered by pediatric neurologists covers multiple aspects of your infant’s nervous system from a functional and physiological standpoint. From a broad perspective, the treatment scope includes:

  • - Congenital defects in the key nervous system components. Conditions like spina bifida are present since birth and require extensive treatment for rectification.
  • - Neurodevelopmental disorders, which is an umbrella term for conditions that hinder the normal development of your child’s nervous system. Well-known examples of these include autism and ADHD.
  • - Cognitive and motor skill issues: A pediatric neurologist may also weigh in and provide treatment for developmental issues like speech impairment and pediatric movement disorders linked to neuromotor causes. Pediatric neurology specialists work with other specialists (such as audiology and speech language pathologists) to fine tune their treatment approach.
  • - Pediatric Epilepsy: Among the most common handicaps faced by children, effective and timely treatment by a pediatric neurologist is essential to minimize any long-term repercussions on your child’s health.
  • - Infant Migraines: Getting a pediatric neurologist’s opinion is required in cases where your child is facing frequent pediatric headaches.

As the scope for treatments is broad, understanding when to consult with a pediatric neurologist is key to getting your child the right treatment at the earliest.

When to see a pediatric neurologist

Signs of abnormal neurological development (and the ensuing disorders) can present themselves in various ways. Though the underlying triggers may differ, there usually is a general pattern to look for when assessing initial symptoms in your child. Some of the more prominent signs to watch out for are:

  • - Sudden/erratic tics: If you notice any abnormal tics (such as twitching or shivering) in your child, consulting a pediatric neurologist is advisable for accurate diagnosis.
  • - Fits/Seizures: These are a near-definitive sign of pediatric epilepsy. If your child is experiencing seizures, consult with a pediatric neurologist as soon as possible.
  • - Significant movement issues: If your child is experiencing marked difficulty in normal movement and actions, it might be a sign of latent pediatric movement disorders. Consult with a pediatric neurologist for timely treatment.
  • - Loss of sensation and numbness: Some neurodevelopmental disorders are characterized by a noticeable loss of sensation or abnormal tingling in specific areas of the body. Pay attention to your child’s sensory reactions and consult a specialist if the symptoms get out of hand.
  • - Frequent migraines: Your child should not be experiencing pediatric headaches consistently. If the condition persists, please consult a specialist for effective treatment.
  • - Memory and consciousness issues: As your child matures, they should ideally meet the respective milestones in cognitive and intellectual growth. If there is a significant gap in this aspect, you should take your child to a pediatric neurology specialist.

In the case of neurological conditions in children, each case is unique and requires a holistic treatment approach that accounts for their complete wellbeing at every turn. Throughout the treatment journey, your child neurologist will ensure that your kid’s safety and health is given prime importance.

Common Procedures and Treatments

A pediatric neurologist can provide a significant range of treatment (both non-surgical and surgical) to alleviate any neurological condition your child may be facing. Depending on the severity of the condition, your specialist may prescribe a combination of treatment methods for your child. Some of these include:

  • - Behavioral therapy: Pediatric neurologists work closely with psychiatrists and therapists to help children overcome behavioral disorders. They are instrumental in assisting children in coping with attention span deficits, anxiety, and other stressful situations.
  • - Spinal tap procedures: In some cases where further diagnosis is required, your pediatric neurologist may perform a spinal tap to extract cerebrospinal fluid from your child’s spinal cord. It is a vital step in diagnosing neural infections and disorders.
  • - Epilepsy management: If your child is facing seizures from pediatric epilepsy attacks, a pediatric neurologist can provide dedicated treatment with antiepileptic medications suitable for children. They will also prescribe specific lifestyle changes that can benefit your child on the recovery journey.
  • - Surgical procedures: For complex neurological disorder treatment, pediatric neurologists often collaborate with neurologists and neurosurgeons to conduct surgeries such as tumor extraction and shunt placement.
  • - Neurological testing: A pediatric neurologist can perform various tests and analysis to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. These tests can also be neuropsychological, assessing behavioral and cognitive aspects. They can also perform non-invasive imaging tests such as electroencephalograms to diagnose electrical activity in kids’ brain.

Owing to the complexity of conditions like pediatric movement disorders, finding the right pediatric neurologist for your child is an important long-term decision to make. By accessing myAster, you can streamline the process significantly, scheduling medical appointments and services right from your smartphone.

Pediatric Neurology consultation made simple: myAster

The myAster app (available on Google Play Store and the App Store) is your one-stop hub for a vast majority of Aster facilities and services. Through its intuitive interface, you can easily schedule appointments with specialists from different disciplines and clinics, refining your search based on specific preferences. You can track and even reschedule your pending appointments from your smartphone. For added convenience, you can view your child’s lab reports and results directly from the app for easy reference. myAster's Online Pharmacy also enables users to get medications and health products delivered straight to their doorstep, at no extra cost. Discover a world of convenience with myAster.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can pediatric neurologists perform surgery?

Yes, pediatric neurologists are qualified to perform surgical interventions for specific neurological disorders that children may face.

Should I take my child to a pediatric neurologist if he is having trouble walking normally?

In such cases, it is best to consult your family doctor/pediatric doctor for an initial diagnosis. If they suspect neurological causes in your child, then you can go for pediatric neurology consultation.

Do pediatric neurologists also treat speech impairment issues in children?

If the diagnosis points towards neurological causes for speech impairment, then a pediatric neurologist may weigh in with their input for treatment in such cases.

Does pediatric neurology cover treatment until teenage?

Typically, pediatric neurologists offer consultation and treatment for individuals until their adolescent years. However, in the case of congenital neurological disorders, these specialists may provide long-term treatment beyond childhood.

What signs do I look for in my child to assess migraine?

The most common symptoms for migraines in children are persistent headaches, nausea, and sensitivity to light. Please consult a pediatric neurologist if symptoms persist in your child.