Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are referred to as essential since the body requires them but is unable to synthesize them. Hence, they need to be adequately obtained from the diet or through supplementation. Fish oil is an abundant source of EFAs and contains PUFAs in the form of Omega-3 fatty acids, popularly known as the good fats in one's diet. Omechol is a high potency fish oil formulation designed to deliver Omega-3 in an optimum amount and purity level. Omechol supplementation as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle can help promote good overall cardiovascular health amongst its other several benefits. Omechol contains 770 mg (77%) of Omega-3 EFA per softgel which is odor controlled to reduce taste sensitivity. Omechol is sourced from Sardines, Anchovies and Mackerels.