Manual massager that lifts, compresses and smooths the skin
Helps to obtain softer and more elastic skin
Massager against cellulite blemishes - designed to fight cellulite
Equipped with pairs of converging & diverging rollers
14 rollers acting simultaneously with a pinching and kneading effect
With automatically adjust possibility to treat legs from knee to groin and buttocks
Effective, easy to use & durable
With clinically proven efficacy
A few minutes a day are enough!
Not suitable for use by children
Tesmed Cellulite Anti-Cellulite Manual Massager is a device for the rapid treatment of the appearance of cellulite & is clinically proven to be effective. The design of Tesmed Cellulite promotes an efficient triple action: the rollers lift the skin, which is compressed and then smoothed, helping to stimulate the circulation and favor the elimination of excess liquids. The invention has pairs of converging rollers which lift and tighten the part with a pinching and kneading effect and simultaneously pairs of diverging rollers instead work to stretch the skin. With the action of the converging rollers, the expulsion of excess liquids is favored, and an energetic toning action is exerted, while the diverging rollers then stretch the skin thus also giving a smoothing action. It takes a few minutes a day to apply an energetic firming and smoothing action to your legs. The characteristic shape of Tesmed Cellulite allows you to cover almost the entire area to be treated with a single passage. Thanks to its shape and adjustable opening, treatment can be applied to both legs and to an entire leg, which is surrounded. This means that you can finally treat both the inner and outer thigh simultaneously with a targeted and effective action. Overall, Tesmed Cellulite can assist with the appearance of more toned, smoother, softer, more elastic skin, and noticeably less noticeable blemishes in the treated area.